热门搜索 :


发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-19 23:38



热心网友 时间:2023-09-05 07:58

1、My family runs a costume factory which is managed well with about 40 workers.
2、I'm sorry. I am really nervous. Could you please say it again in Chinese? Thank you.
3、Because my parents support me to study in America, they afford all the money I need there.
4、I like the study environment and atmosphere there.
5、After I finish my study in America, I will go back home helping my father run the company because my parents is aging and they are not in good condition.
6、I have no relatives in America.
7、About 400 thousand.


热心网友 时间:2023-09-05 07:59

1. My family runs a clothing factory very well, and we have almost 40 staff.
2. Sorry I'm so nervous. Would you please speak in Chinese? Thanks so much.
3. My family pay for my expense in America because they are supportive for me to study in America.
4. I love the learning atmosphere there.
5. After my study in America, I will go back to my country and help my father with the business. They are old, and not as strong as before.
6. I have no relatives in America.
7. Almost 400 thousand.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-05 07:59


1, my family owns a garment factory. it runs well. it has 40workers around.
2, excuse me, im so sorry,im too nervous. may i beg your pardon to repeat in Chinese? thank you.
3, my parents will support my expenditure in USA, they agree me to study in USA.
4, After i finish my study in USA,I will come back China to help my parents manage their factory, because my parents are getting old ,their health condition is not very good
5, i dont have relatives in USA
6, about four hundred thousand.

希望能够帮到你。加油追问谢谢 谢谢
我会的 一定签过

忘了第四句, 4, i like the study environment and atmosphere there.

btw, 楼下说我有不当之处的那位朋友,拜托你看看情况再说好吗? 他这是要去用口语答问题的。 看看你第一句翻的那叫一个“书面”,还用从句呢。我晕

热心网友 时间:2023-09-05 08:00


1.My familiy running garment factory, it's going good, and there are about forty workers.
2.Sorry,I was kind of nervous, could you please say it again in chinese ? thanks.
3.My parents afford my expenditure in US, because they spport me study there.
4.I enjoy the study environment and atmosphere there.
5.After finish my study in US, I'll back home help my parents running their businesses, after all they're getting old and not very well anymore.
6.I have no relatives in the States.
7.approximately Four hundred thousand.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-05 08:00

1. My family have a clothing factory, operating very well, and having about 40 workers.
2. Sorry, I'm really nervous, could you speek in Chinese again? Thanks.
3. Because my parents support me to study in USA, they afford my expenses in USA.
4. I like the learning environment and atmosphere there.
5. When the studies in USA completed, I will return home to help my father to run the factory, because my parents get oil and the health is not very good.
6. I have no relatives in the USA.
7. about 400,000 yuan( dollars)